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Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

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Bud Grossmann's
Words of the Week
Week of March 13, 2005

EG & Horse (#37), 2004
Eliz & Horse, 2004
© 2004, 2005 by Bud Grossmann

Poem published as a WIP dated June 26, 2001
© 1971, 2001, 2005 by Bud Grossmann. All Rights Reserved.

Congratulations, it's a girl
helpless and wrinkled and loud
messy diapers and innocent smile
oh, she looks just like her father
Please don't pick your nose, dear
curls and ribbons and Sunday School dresses
seldom a worry that lasts overnight
skinned knees from climbing trees
what are you learning at school

     Every day every fear
     Look ahead they'll disappear

We'll wait up, come home by 12
parents just don't understand
stockings and blue jeans and mascara
Friday's broken heart good-as-new on Monday
which college will you choose
You've a lifetime ahead of you
we wish you'd get your degree first
pot and books and films and life
but love can't wait let's get married now
it'll be rough but we'll make it

     Every day every fear
     Look ahead they'll disappear

Let's go somewhere together alone
forever and always maybe years
when it's time to settle down
congratulations, it's a girl
How many winters how many springs
doesn't seem possible the children grown
with children of their own
rock rock rocking rocking chair
Lord have mercy
Grandma were you ever a little girl

     Every day without fear
     Look ahead we'll disappear

This poem was commissioned by and first publicly
presented by Frances Q. F. Wong in 1971.

Past Issues of Words of the Week

March 6, 2005: "Marbles Coach"

February 27, 2005: "Wrapped in the Flag"

February 20, 2005: "Uncle Al Leads..."

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This page was updated April 2, 2005, 0938 HST.

© 2005 by Bud Grossmann