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Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

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Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
January 6, 2008
Previously unpublished fiction.
© 2008 by Bud Grossmann
All Rights Reserved.

Empire Café, 1977
  Empire Café, 1977
© 1977 by Bud Grossmann


      What would you call a man, who sits in a booth on a winter’s day, in the Empire Café in downtown Fjord, Wisconsin, and overhears a quiet conversation, which he later sets down just about word-for-word for all the world (he hopes) to see?

      Would you call him, maybe, what he’d like to call himself, a writer?

As far as tipping goes...I take into consideration the wait persons personality...the business's level of traffic...the general service and tip accordingly. If I request somethiing and get attitude...oops for that person. I try to be a pleasant and non demanding consumer...and I try to make that person's job better...they put up with alot of crap from J.Q. public. I tip according to MY standards..not somewhat elses. People are often taken aback at the generous tips I leave...but sometimes..if that person made me laugh,...did an extra kindness...etc.etc. I think they need an appreciation gift..along with some kind words. Being a wait person is right up there with some of the crappiest jobs there are...they get it from the customers...and the establishment...those little ass people who suddenly have some power...and they lord it over those beneath them....I have seen way way to much of that power play business to like it in any profession.

      And what if, I ask you, what if that same man takes the words of his friend Nurse Maureen, off a computer screen, and sets them down for you to see, exactly as she conversationally typed them out, not one letter, not one dot-dot-dot altered or omitted?

      Might you feel inclined to assign that man another name?  Thief!  Plagiarist!  Co-author!

See a list of other
Words of the Week

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This page was updated January 5, 2008, 0754 CST

© 2008 by Bud Grossmann