Fine Photography
Picture of the Day
Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
July 25, 2010
Previously unpublished fiction.
© 2010 by Bud Grossmann.
All Rights Reserved.

Small Diamond Ring, 1971
  Small Diamond Ring, 1971
© 1971 by Bud Grossmann


Of all the many weddings David C. Fischer had ever been to, he remembered the date of only the one he attended on Sunday, July 25, 1971, when he was twenty-two years old. At daybreak today, Sunday, July 25, 2010, Fischer, at age sixty-one, awoke and realized a trivial truth, namely that he had lived more than half his life as a legally married man. Whether that thought had ever before crossed his mind, say, late in the year when he was forty-four, Fischer did not recall. But this morning he calculated that his record of Half-a-Lifetime-of-Husbandhood would very soon evaporate. Nonetheless, he smiled when he considered the slender possibility that he might, with a little luck and a little help, extend it.

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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This page was updated Sat, Jul 24, 2010, 10:41PM CDT

© 2010 by Bud Grossmann