Fine Photography
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Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
September 12, 2010
Previously unpublished fiction.
© 2010 by Bud Grossmann.
All Rights Reserved.

Dancers, 2003
  Dancers, 2003
© 2003 by Bud Grossmann


February 1, 2003

     When I poked around in the chaos on my desk today, Stan, I ran across a letter of several months ago containing your remark that not liking to dance must be a family trait. (Fischer Family, I think you meant?) That could be so. But I can think of exceptions. My dad has said he likes to dance. And I believe Grandma and Grandpa Fischer told me that they, in 1923, first took notice of each other at a dance. I wonder if “not liking” to dance is perhaps more complex than, say, not liking the taste of beer. In my own experiences of dancing and not dancing I have been aware of not liking a particular partner (or longing for another), not liking to hear my pals snickering as they stand along the side of the dance floor, not liking being cut in upon, not liking the humiliation when my Thom McAns scuffed across my partner’s penny loafers, and not liking the itchy wool of my plaid sport coat, dampened and heated in the dizzying din of a dimlit high school gymnasium on various Friday nights in 1965. I must admit, however, as I itemize these ancient unpleasantnesses, I also recall some sweet surprises that presented themselves when I dared to venture forth upon my two left feet.


Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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This page was updated Sat, Sep 11, 2010, 10:23PM CDT

© 2010 by Bud Grossmann