Fine Photography
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Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
April 3, 2011
Previously unpublished fiction.
© 2011 by Bud Grossmann.
All Rights Reserved.

Tracks, 1973
  Tracks, 1973
© 1973 by Bud Grossmann


Mon., March 28, 2011

Dear Deb,

     Yes, Nick called yesterday about next weekend. Weather’s not supposed to be good enough for motorcycles, so he’s planning to drive up from Chicago Friday in his car. He said he’ll call again Wednesday.

     Nick told a story about a railroad man smoking a cigarette, start of work, standing beside a transport van in the Butler yard yesterday morning. Front and back passenger doors were open and the guy’s leaning one hand on the post between the doors, he’s talking to the driver. Another guy all of a sudden hops out of the middle seat, doesn’t think, slams the sliding door closed, and it pinches a finger real bad on the man with the cigarette. Nick said the injury seemed to be worth a trip to the E.R., but he was postponing the medical consultation until he was off the clock, so if he was asked to put pee in a cup it would be held to the standards of non-work-related urine.

     Received today’s update. Pinky finger, left hand. Three fractures, ten stitches. Injured man’s lament: “I was havin’ a lucky day. I found five dollars on the floor of the store. I bought a Lotto ticket on the Mega and it was two-hundred-and-some fuckin’ million and I won ten bucks. Then this.”

     Reports of further developments may be forthcoming, but for the moment what you need to know is that our colorful railroading friend is no longer likely to join us in Wisconsin this weekend.

                         Talk to you tonight, perhaps.
                         Love, Dave

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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This page was updated Fri, Apr 1, 2011, 10:45PM CDT.

© 2011 by Bud Grossmann