Fine Photography
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Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
July 31, 2011
Previously unpublished fiction.
© 2011 by Bud Grossmann.
All Rights Reserved.

White Hair, 1995
  White Hair, 1995
© 1995 by Bud Grossmann


Friday, July 29, 2011

Have a great time in Viroqua, if great times are what Anthroposophists have. I picture furrowed brows.

I’m reading the new TNY, Anthony Lane on this Murdoch stuff. Wonderful writing. Before that, the financial guy on the debt ceiling, wonderful reasoning (I hope).

The little lady inside my Verizon phone hollered at me a moment ago to tell me my phone charges had been paid by my credit card. I thought she usually slept as late as I try to.

I woke (at 6:58AM) from a dream in which my daughter was maybe ten years old, and I was snacking on a crumbly baked product (2½" x ½" cylinders of toasted tangled tiny noodles, sweetened and cheesy) that seemed, upon my waking, to have possibilities as something to serve to friends (though not over my own dining table or hickory floor) or to make a fortune from by marketing. In the perhaps unrelated scene before the snack, I walked down a carpeted hallway on a high floor of an office building and, in an alcove off the hallway, overheard well-dressed, bejeweled, well-coiffed elderly white women conspire to commit and conceal business crimes. The women, most in their early eighties, by my estimation, were milling about, not assembled at a conference table, but sitting in upholstered arm chairs or standing about, a little hunched over from old age, some of them, and using pens to mark revisions on old-fashioned typed pages of contracts.

I often subdue my urge to tell you my dreams, but these two were doozies. The old saying goes, Whatever you do, do not subdue a doozy. I suppose if I put this in a WoW, someone else will get rich inventing the noodle snack.

Time to call my father. Let me hear from you, won’t you, when you return to Oregon, Wisconsin.

Love, Dave

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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This page was updated Sat, Jul 30, 2011, 8:53PM CDT.

© 2011 by Bud Grossmann