Donald J. Trump—
a fine man for the job
as leader of a mob.
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Bonus Feature!
Have you considered composing your own aphoristic rhyme inspired by the new Republican presidential nominee? I am pleased to direct you to
1 syllable:
bump, chump, clump, crump, dump, flump, frump, grump, gump, hump, jump, lump, plump, pump, rump, slump, stump, sump, thump
2 syllables:
air pump, broad jump, force pump, gas pump, gazump, hand pump, heat pump, high jump, lift pump, long jump, oil pump, pole jump, ski jump, speed bump, sump pump, trash dump, tree stump
3 syllables:
donkey pump, garbage dump, get the jump, ion pump, rubbish dump, stirrup pump, stomach pump, suction pump, vacuum pump, water jump, water pump
4 syllables:
bicycle pump, diffusion pump, gasoline pump, hydraulic pump, spectator pump, toxic waste dump
5 syllables:
auxiliary pump, centrifugal pump, condensation pump
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✱The Time magazine cover dated August 31, 2015, features a photograph credited to Martin Schoeller.