A resident of Fjord, Wisconsin (a shy fellow who has asked to remain unidentified), having little to occupy his mind after putting the last of his 2018 Christmas cards into the mail, consulted Wikipedia for a list of Christmas songs (in English) and was astonished to find that two dozen of the titles seemed to refer, perhaps in some way, to the current President of the United States. Here is the list he provided to this reporter. If you can think of other titles that you would have included, please let me know, and I will pass them along to the Fjord man for his continued astonishment and pleasure.
“A Great and Mighty Wonder”
“Angels We Have Heard on High”
“As with Gladness Men of Old”
“Boars Head Carol”
“The Cherry-Tree Carol”
“Children, Go Where I Send Thee”
“Christians Awake”
“Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus”
“Ding Dong Merrily on High”
“Do You Hear What I Hear?”
“God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen”
“Good Christian Men, Rejoice”
“I Pray on Christmas”
“In the Bleak Midwinter”
“I Wonder as I Wander”
“Little Donkey”
“Night of Silence”
“O Come, All Ye Faithful”
“Past Three OClock”
“Star of the East”
“What Child Is This?”
“Whence Is That Lovely Fragrance Wafting”
“With Wondering Awe”