Fine Photography
Picture of the Day
Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
June 2, 2019
Previously unpublished
family history.

© 2019 by Bud Grossmann
All Rights Reserved.

Suitcase (2001)
  Suitcase (2001)
© 2001 by Bud Grossmann


I am fond of rhymes and fonder still, sometimes, of near rhymes. Though I’m unabashedly a fan of Ogden Nashedly, if you were to ask which near rhyme I’d most like to imitate, I would not have to hesitate. I most admire Roger Miller’s she carried, which he paired with ev’rywhere, it in a sweet, sad song. When that single was released I happened to reside in Baltimore; in consequence, I liked the record all the more.

     ...Old brown suitcase that she carried,
     I’ve looked for it ev’rywhere, it
     Just ain’t here among the rest, and
     I’m a little upset, yes....

Now I will mention another near rhyme, this one a near-favorite of mine, each word having three syllables, accent on the first: quietly and seventy in a song of rich brevity by Paul Simon.

     ...Can you imagine us years from today,
     Sharing a park bench quietly?
     How terribly strange to be seventy....

For five decades I have admired that album, that song, and, particularly, those subtly sublime few lines. But I have come to soften the near-favorite near rhyme. I imagine S&G would now agree,
How pleasantly strange to be seventy.

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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others).  Write to me at the following address.  Please
be sure to spell Grossmann with two
n’s and
mention what page you are writing about.


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This page was published Sat, Jun 1, 2019, 10:27PM CDT.

© 2019 by Bud Grossmann