June 18, 2019
Missed seeing a Strawberry Moon last night but did eat a strawberry supper. Lunch had been late, so the evening meal here consisted solely of strawberries and pound cake lavishly adorned with whipped cream made with thirty-dollar-a-pint vanilla from Costco. Not long ago, at the Amish store, Carol and I had bought an eight-ninety-five-a-liter bottle of Danncy Mexican vanilla, which seemed a bargain, but it turned out to have a floral taste not sufficiently close to the aroma of the vanilla I have always known. Before tossing out the unsatisfactory product, I decanted some of it into the Tones-brand bottle that we had just emptied, and saved it in the refrigerator so that any reader who questions this report can come over and conduct his or her own sniff test. Please bring strawberries and whipping cream.