Fine Photography
Picture of the Day
Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
March 29, 2020
Family history revisited.
© 2020 by Bud Grossmann.
All Rights Reserved.

Postcard (1918)
  Postcard (1918)
© 1918 by Ralph E. Cummings
and 2020 by Bud Grossmann


A hundred years ago and a little more, when my Uncle Ralph Cummings was nineteen or twenty, he wrote a little letter to his seventeen-year-old sister and closed it with a five-word remark that I find enigmatic: “...add the same as always.”

If you, my readers, would tell me what you think Ralph meant, I shall be grateful. And I will also appreciate it if you, in 2020, can help me make some sense of a murky malice marring this month of March in modern-day America.

San Antonio, Texas
October 16, 1918

Miss Alice Cummings.
    514 W. Washington Ave.

Postcard Message (1918)

Dear Sister: I just got your letter and as I
am writing home, will dropt you a card. I am
in the hospital now, had the Spanish influenza
but am up and around now, and hope to be back
in my company soon. I wish I were to be
home also Thanksgiving, for we havnt been to-
gether on a thanks giving day for a long while
But next year at this time I expect to be
home. Well I must close now for I shall
run out of writing space directly, add the
same as always. Bye Bye for now. Ralph.

In Wyocena Cemetery,
Wyocena, Wisconsin,
a granite stone
is inscribed:

1898 — 1918
Co F 312TH

Uncle Ralph's Memorial Button (1995)

David at Uncle Ralph's Grave (1986)

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

I would welcome your thoughts on this page (or any of my
others).  Write to me at the following address.  Please
be sure to spell Grossmann with two
n’s and
mention what page you are writing about.


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This page was updated Sat, Mar 28, 2020, 8:36PM CDT.

© 2020 by Bud Grossmann