Fine Photography
Picture of the Day
Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
June 6, 2021
Previously unpublished
family history.

© 2021 by Bud Grossmann
All Rights Reserved.

A Man Six Dozen Years Old (2021)
  A Man Six Dozen Years Old (2021)
© 2021 by Bud Grossmann


Friday was my birthday. Next day, yesterday, Saturday, that is, as Carol and I were driving out of the farm where we buy eggs a few miles east of town, I noticed a two-rut driveway that reminded me of the old driveway at my grandparents’ farm, the south-to-north driveway off of Waters Road, where I had taken a picture of myself sometime in 2012. That’s the photo on the home page of this Web site. I’ve been meaning to update the home page portrait, so I stopped the car, told Carol I would be “just a sec,” and jumped out to try to see what I could get. Here is that picture, with no Photoshopping except a little color correction and the erasing of a wire fence along one side of the driveway. This is frame number twelve of twelve shots. The camera clock indicates I took slightly under two-and-a-half minutes from first squeeze of the shutter release to the twelfth, which translates to “just a sec,” exactly as I promised Carol, a commendably understanding spouse, a patient photographer in her own right.

At the Vangen Farm (2021)

Whatever you may think, and you are welcome to tell me so long as you are gentle, I doubt that I will use this new photo to replace the 2012 one, which, before I cropped it for the home page, looked like this.

By the Old Mailbox (2012)

But I will keep trying. And while I was thinking about all these things last night, I wondered whether I had a photo I might show you of dear Grandma Grossmann when she was the age I have just arrived at, three score years and twelve, as Abraham Lincoln might have put it, if he had lived so long. Happily, I did find one. Here it is.

Gramma, On the Phone (1973)

Once again, I’d be glad to hear what you think, but be gentle, won’t you, when you are talking about my grandma or my photography.

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

I would welcome your thoughts on this page (or any of my
others).  Write to me at the following address.  Please
be sure to spell Grossmann with two
n’s and
mention what page you are writing about.


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This page was published Sun, Jun 6, 2021, 2:44AM CDT.

© 2021 by Bud Grossmann