Fine Photography
Picture of the Day
Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
November 21, 2021
Family history.
© 2021 by Bud Grossmann.
All Rights Reserved.

Two Feral Creatures (2011)
  Two Feral Creatures (2011)
© 2011 by Bud Grossmann


Seven years ago, someone who had been a huge part of my life for twenty-some years suddenly and inexplicably went silent. I left voice mails, I sent emails, I texted. I even sent cards for birthdays and Christmases. No reply. Seven years! Then, this past Friday, she phoned.

“Oh, no! Who died?” is what I wondered and may have muttered when I saw this person’s name on my caller ID. But, thank goodness, she wasn’t calling to report a death or a catastrophe, but to more or less apologize and to declare her good intentions to do better here on out. We talked awhile and then on Saturday talked awhile more. It felt to me, pretty much, like old times.

Now, did I say “no catastrophes”? Actually, this person did report something I sort of consider a CATastrophe likely soon to happen, and this is what it was: when we’d last talked, she had told me she had one dog and zero cats. This time she told me she now has, in her little rented home, THREE dogs, TWELVE cats, and, not in the home, but near enough to potentially pose a problem, ONE disapproving landlord.

Wish me luck. My wife, Carol, mentioned not long ago that she’s been thinking of getting a cat. I pretended I did not hear her.

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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This page was updated Sun, Nov 21, 2021, 12:53AM CST

© 2021 by Bud Grossmann