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Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
May 8, 2022
Political Commentary.
© 2022 by Bud Grossmann.
All Rights Reserved.

Baby (1982)
  Baby (1982)
© 1982 by Bud Grossmann


Someone has sent a signal. Someone, as yet unnamed, sent a signal to the nation a few days ago by providing a national news organization with a copy of a draft of a pending U.S. Supreme Court decision. What exactly the signaler meant to accomplish by leaking this draft to the public is not yet clear, but the incident got me to thinking today, Mother’s Day, of literal leaks leading to motherhood.

I am thinking of a few mothers, or would-be mothers, with whom I have personally been acquainted.

There’s my own mom, of course. Bless her heart and bless her soul!

And I remember my two grandmas and two of my great-grandmas. I am very fortunate, I know.

I recall a sweet girl I knew in high school who reportedly “got” pregnant and left school. Went away. I don’t believe I ever heard again what happened to her after that. I am friends with someone now, sort of a gossipy lady, who might know. Maybe I’ll ask.

No, actually, I will not ask, but won’t it be nice if she, the sort of gossipy lady, finds out I mentioned this, and she says, “Dave, who was it you were wondering about? There were several.”

“Several who left school and went away?” I’ll say. I can think of only that one girl in my time. I am aware of others who married and did not go anywhere. Back when I was in school, I’m not sure the term “single mom” was ever said aloud.

I have known birth moms, adoptive moms, and women who wish they had been moms. I have witnessed relief, regret, and retribution. I’ve heard credible accounts of coercion.

I have read the Bible, or some of it, and have sat quietly through a sermon or two. And I have skimmed a Supreme Court opinion now and then, as you may imagine. But I am in no hurry, really, to see the final draft of the opinion now prominent in the news. Not anxious at all to see the final list of justices who affix their names to it.

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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© 2022 by Bud Grossmann