Fine Photography
Picture of the Day
Words of the Week
Mom & Pop Prop. Mgt.

Fine photography, writings, & other worthwhile items.

Bud Grossmann’s
Words of the Week
for the Week of
January 15, 2023
© 2023 by Bud Grossmann
All Rights Reserved.

Large Bird (2012)
  Large Bird (2012)
© 2012 by Bud Grossmann


Tue, Jan 10, 2023

Good morning!

Celeste reported seeing heavy fog at six a.m. I think we both went back to sleep, and by the time we got out of bed at nine, the outdoors was merely cold and dirty gray, and I could see all the way to the houses on the north side of West Fjord Street, which is a measure of less-than-heavy fog.

And then, as I stood at the kitchen sink, a great white-headed, dark bird swooped down from the north and landed on our lawn. I cried out for Celeste to come have a look: “An eagle!”

But then two more large birds came from across Mills Street and into the yard, and I, with my bleary eyes, could tell that these were crows, and I figured then that the eagle must have just been a crow as well, a crow carrying a slice of white bread in its beak is what it looked like now, ha! And the others were going to force her to share.

I apologized to Celeste with the words and the chastened tone of Emily Litella: “Never mind!”

Have a real nice Tuesday.

Love, Dave

Click for a list of other Words of the Week

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This page was published Sat, Jan 14, 2023, 10:50PM CST.

© 2023 by Bud Grossmann